いちいちtwitter.comのページみにいったりするのは面倒なので Google Talk経由の設定をした。
こういうのは携帯からもやりたいよなーと思いつつ、少し探してみた。movatwitterだとパスワードを渡さないといけないのがすごく嫌だなぁ。そもそも携帯で Google Talk (XMPP/Jabber) client があればいいのにと思いつつ探してみたがこれも日本の携帯向けはあんまりなさげ。
というわけで keitaircぽいのをへろへろっと自作。code.google.comあたりにおいといたほうがいいかな。
#!/usr/bin/ruby1.8 # # Copyright (c) 2007 Fumitoshi Ukai <ukai@debian.or.jp> # This program is covered by the GNU General Public License 2 or later # # depends: ruby1.8, libxmpp4r-ruby1.8, libwebrick-ruby1.8, # # Configuration file: ~/.keitaixmpprc # The file should contains the following variables: ## configuration file for keitaixmpp # MYJID = 'yourname@gmail.com/XmppProxy' # MYJIDPASSWD = 'your-gmail-password' # TARGETJID = 'twitter@twitter.com' # HTTPADDR = '' # HTTPPORT = 8088 # HTTPUSER = 'username' # HTTPPASSWD = 'password' # $KCODE = "u" require 'kconv' require 'xmpp4r' require 'webrick' require 'webrick/httpauth' require 'webrick/httputils' class XmppProxy attr_reader :messages attr_reader :targetjid MAX_LINES = 50 def initialize(jid, pass, targetjid) # Jabber::debug = true @pass = pass @targetjid = targetjid @client = Jabber::Client.new(Jabber::JID.new(jid)) @messages = [] @closed = false @client.connect @client.auth(@pass) @client.send(Jabber::Presence::new) @client.add_message_callback do |message| if message.type == :error return end from = message.from if from.nil? return end if from.strip == @targetjid.strip addmsg(message.body) end end @client.on_exception do |ex, stream, event| $stderr.puts "Exception #{ex} #{event}" if @closed $stderr.puts "closed, bye" end @client.connect @client.auth(@pass) @client.send(Jabber::Presence::new) end @keepalive = Thread.new do while not @closed if @client.is_connected? @client.send(Jabber::Presence::new) end sleep 30 end end end def send(msg) @client.send(Jabber::Message.new(@targetjid, msg).set_type(:chat)) addmsg("me #{msg}") end def addmsg(msg) if msg.nil? return end @messages.unshift(msg) if @messages.length > MAX_LINES @messages.pop end end def close() @client.close @closed = true @keepalive.join end end # XmppProxy class XmppServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet def initialize(server, *options) @xmppproxy, @user, @pass, = options end def auth(req, res) unless @user.nil? and @pass.nil? WEBrick::HTTPAuth.basic_auth(req, res, "XmppServlet") do |user, pass| user == @user && pass == @pass end end end def do_GET(req, res) auth(req, res) show_page(req, res) end def do_POST(req, res) auth(req, res) if ! req.query["m"].empty? @xmppproxy.send(Kconv.kconv(req.query["m"], Kconv::UTF8, Kconv::SJIS)) end show_page(req, res) end def show_page(req, res) res.status = 200 res.content_type = "text/html; charset=Shift_JIS" msg = WEBrick::HTMLUtils::escape(@xmppproxy.messages.join("\n")) res.body = <<HTML <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" Content="max-age=0"/> <title>XmppProxy</title> </head> <body> <form action="#{req.request_uri.path}" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="m" size="10"> <input type="submit" accesskey="1" value="OK[1]"> </form> <pre> #{Kconv.kconv(msg, Kconv::SJIS, Kconv::UTF8)} </pre> <p>#{@xmppproxy.targetjid}</p> </body></html> HTML end end # XmppServlet if __FILE__ == $0 CONFIGFILE = "~/.keitaixmpprc" load CONFIGFILE xmpp = XmppProxy.new(MYJID, MYJIDPASSWD, TARGETJID) server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({:BindAddress => HTTPADDR, :Port => HTTPPORT}) ['INT', 'TERM'].each do |signal| Signal.trap(signal) { server.shutdown } end server.mount('/', XmppServlet, xmpp, HTTPUSER, HTTPPASSWD) server.start end追記(2007/12/27 02:30): code.google.com/hostingにおいてみました
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